Dreaming Fields

Dobro jutro svima u ovom prevrućem Zagrebu, i onima koji su na moru :)
Ja pijem kavu na balkonu i kreativno razmišljam, hehehe
Danas i sutra imam 2 slikanja, pa razmišljam o temi i svemu !
Maloprije sam napacala meso, jer Danijel i Vekijeva cura dolaze na ručak, tak da će bit odlično...
A sad idem okupat Lily jer mi je teško ju gledat kak se muči po ovoj vrućini ...

Ove slike je napravio moj najdraži tata, hehehe, kad me slika cijelo vrijeme viče: ''Lupino!, Lupino!!!''
Hehehehe... al sviđa mi se kak su ispale...

Pogledajte ko se htio slikat samnom... moj najdraži deda <3

Pusa svima,



  1. You look so pretty in your outfit, love your top and the sunglasses! Thank you so much for stopping by and for following! I'm following you back now on ”GFC” :)
    If you're interested in following each other on bloglovin, if you do, let me know, so I can follow you back! it's really easier to keep in touch ;)
    Hope you have a fabulous week ahead<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  2. Hi Matea! Are you sure you're following me on bloglovin? Because I didn't get any email notification about your follow on bloglovin, they always send me, and the followers number on my bloglovin is the same as before


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  3. The outfit is serene. Love the shades. Thanks for posting the photos and feel free to drop by me too anytime.

  4. Super su slike,baš vesele;) xx


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